Friday, June 24, 2016

Scenes from Highway 17 South

Highway 17 is a scenic road trip in and of itself; one doesn't really even need a destination.  Here are a couple of images taken in the Gardens Corner  area.

Nothing says Summertime like Sunflowers

Every summer I look out for fields of sunflowers as I go about my day to day business.  I spotted these recently and the owner of the farm was kind enough to indulge my photography obsession.  I found I had an involuntary smile on my face as I wandered up and down the rows of bobbing yellow orbs.  Sometimes joy is found is such simple things.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Hunting Island State Park under a full moon

Last night a friend and I spent a few hours photographing the boneyard beach at the southern tip of Hunting Island State Park.  We arrived in daylight and before we knew it the time was 10.30 p.m. and we were still on the beach. Time flies when you're having fun!  The cabin out to sea is the last cabin standing and apparently will be taken down sometime this summer, since it obstinately defies everything that nature can throw at it.

All Images Copyright 2025 Vanessa Kauffmann. All rights reserved.