Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Back up in the Air

Winter is over and the marsh grass is turning green again.  I had been itching to get back up in the helicopter to take some new aerial shots - we have so much amazing material to work with in the Charleston area.  I didn't realize quite how windy it was, so it got a little bumpy to say the least, but all's well that ends well and although it was hazy in the distance, we got enough images to make the trip worthwhile.  Besides which, it really is a lot of fun.  Thanks Kyle!


Sunday, March 27, 2016

Labs love a boat ride

I snapped this image last summer as we passed a skiff cruising through Shem Creek with this cargo of labs.  It was so typically Southern and so I'm posting it now as we anticipate another wonderful lowcountry summer.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Another Beautiful Moonrise

It was a perfect evening to be at Folly Beach. Nothing much more to say that wouldn't be redundant.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Kids at Weddings

Sometimes the bride and groom have their work cut out not to be outshone by the kids in their wedding party.  We attended a family wedding this afternoon and I was not responsible for the photography, but I did have some fun focusing on the kids.  Of course, being my grandchildren, I am somewhat biased, but c'mon now, these are seriously cute kids.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Sunbeams on Steroids

I got going fairly early this morning to get downtown to the Joe Riley Stadium for the 10th Annual Walk for Water event, and this is what I saw as I looked left and right to exit my driveway.  Looks pretty cool in black and white imho :)

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Scenes from Middleton Place

Spring is trying to emerge, but hasn't quite made it yet, so when you feel like getting out and shooting something, sometimes you need to really scratch your head for inspiration. A friend and I decided to pay a visit to Middleton Plantation because even if there is nothing going on with bird life or horticulture, the farm area and the reenactments of how life was lived back then are fun to photograph.  Here are a couple of the images, including my friend Raymond trying his hand at milking a cow!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Lowcountry Sunset

Back home, and really, there are worse places to live.  These are the evenings when you especially feel grateful for all kinds of things.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Denver Weekend Part II

Yesterday's images were from Saturday, and on Sunday we changed direction. Matt and Christine showed me their downtown area, and we found a nice sidewalk restaurant where we ate lunch.  My favorite downtown place was Union Station, a classic, beautifully designed and built old fashioned train station, still used for that purpose but also buzzing with all kinds of activity and vibrant life. After lunch we took a 25 minute drive to the Red Rocks Amphitheatre, a really interesting and unique event venue, surrounded by a recreational area populated with more towering red rocks and crisscrossed by walking trails.  Very cool.

All Images Copyright 2025 Vanessa Kauffmann. All rights reserved.