Saturday, August 31, 2013

Some new Aerials for a Change of Pace

I had been wanting to get up in the air and get some new aerial images for the longest time, but the weather in summer is challenging for flying.  It's either too hazy or too cloudy or too stormy.  Winter is better from that perspective, but in winter everything is brown, so the colors are not so interesting, especially the marsh. Finally I decided to just go the other evening even though it was hazy, because I had a couple of clients waiting for specific shots.  Here are a couple I grabbed along the way.
Four Corners of Law

South of Broad Rooftops

South of Broad Rooftops

The Citadel campus and Summerall Chapel

Johnson Hagood Stadium - Go Bulldogs!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Black and White Family Portraits

I love to photograph kids.  They are not always cooperative, but one can always resort to shameless bribery, which works most of the time.  These children belong to a family vacationing at Dunes West for a few days.  The grandparents, children, and grandchildren were all enjoying some catch-up time and it was a perfect opportunity to get some family photos taken.  Here are a couple of the images converted into black and white.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Jenna and her parents

These are a few images from some family portraits we took yesterday evening.  Wow, when babies learn to move around, they like to practice - all the time :)  It was quite a challenge keeping up with Jenna to get these.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Meteor, what meteor?

I had been wanting to capture meteor showers with my camera, and the Perseids shower of 2013 presented the perfect opportunity.  No moon, clear skies, etc.  Last night we set up on the end of Folly Island at about midnight and expectantly anticipated the kinds of images we had all seen in National Geographic magazines and NASA web pages.  Unfortunately, the skies were hazy and there was quite a bit of cloud and lightning about, making meteor viewing a little more challenging.  We did see a few, but the cameras missed them for the most part.  I'm not sorry we went, it was a beautiful evening, if a little windy and sandy (normal for a beach).  I will try again another time because the more times you try, the luckier you get :)

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Summertime on the St. Helena Sound

Next to Charleston, Beaufort must be my favorite town.  Yes, the downtown area is quaint but the real attraction is the natural beauty, the creeks, the sounds, the farms, and the general lowcountry feel that is Beaufort.  This morning we watched the sunrise over St. Helena Sound and enjoyed the abundance of bird life on its sandbars and in the creeks.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Coburg Creek at High Tide

Couldn't resist stopping at the bridge and recording this scene this morning.  We sure live in a beautiful part of the world.

All Images Copyright 2025 Vanessa Kauffmann. All rights reserved.