Monday, May 28, 2012

More from Beaufort, SC

Still sorting through hundreds of images taken yesterday morning in Beaufort, deleting many and finding others I like.  What a wonderful world we live in and how much there is out there to see and marvel at.  Here's one taken of seagulls and pelicans all fighting over the fishy scraps that shrimpers were throwing overboard.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Out in the Beaufort Sounds

This morning was an early start (with little sleep the night before) from the Station Creek landing in Beaufort.  The thing about going out on a photo expedition is that you just never know what you will find.  Sometimes you don't find much - it's always a gamble.  This morning, just being on the water in the middle of nowhere on a beautiful day was reward enough for the effort of getting there.  Here are a couple of my images.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Johns Island Farms

I have been wanting to check out the CSA programs that many of our local farms are offering so this morning we took a trip down River Road, stopping in to see what they have to offer.  It was really interesting and certainly worth supporting.  They are all so welcoming of community involvement and any help we can give them to continue to provide local fresh produce is money and effort well spent. Here are a couple of pics.

Friday, May 18, 2012

The Charleston Period

I seem to be stuck on Charleston images at the moment.  Not that there's anything wrong with that, and I could be stuck on a lot worse subject matter.  After all, all artists have their different "periods", right?  I remember from Art classes way back when, that Picasso had a blue period and a rose period ....  I do not presume to in any way compare myself with Picasso, but there are times when I like to process images a certain way and I think it looks nice, then I get tired of it and I need to do something different.  However I digress.  Here are a couple of downtown images taken this afternoon.  I'm sure I don't need to label them.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Arthur Ravenel Bridge, Charleston, SC

This really is a great looking bridge, and not just because I happen to live in Charleston and I'm biased.  This was another view from the air as we buzzed by the other day on the way out to meet the Bounty - an hour or so before the storm moved in and you couldn't see it anymore :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Looking in the other direction

The last post was a view towards the harbor over historic downtown Charleston, and this one is turning the camera towards the setting sun, capturing the City Marina and the Ashley River.  No bad views whichever way you turn.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

HMS Bounty visits Charleston

There's something so romantic about tall ships, at least in my mind.  If I'd had to live aboard one a couple of hundred years ago I would probably feel quite differently.  Anyway I had the opportunity to photograph the Bounty as she approached the Charleston harbor, here for a few days. The trip turned into quite an adventure however as we stayed too long out to sea and got caught in the approaching front coming home.  We put down on Daniel Island and waited it out in the driving rain while the lightning zinged all around us.  After awhile, we got a break in the storm, not much, but enough to make it safely home to the airport.  Just another day at the office ....

Monday, May 7, 2012

Characters I met in Savannah

Here are a couple of colorful characters I ran into on the wharves of the Savannah River.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Tallships in Savannah

In 2009 we hosted the tallships in Charleston and this year unfortunately we couldn't get it together, so they went to Savannah.  Actually it was an appropriate setting, these beauties tied up in front of the old wharfs and warehouses that line the Savannah River in the River Street area downtown.  If you could ignore all those ugly white vendor tents, you could imagine you were living a couple of hundred years ago.  Here are a couple of images.  I will post more in my web gallery once I have had time to edit them.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday evening at Sunrise Park

Gosh, I know I spend a lot of time at Sunrise Park but really, what's not to like!  The dog loves it, Gideon loves it, and I love it for all the photo opps it affords.  At the risk of being really boring, here are some more ...

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Evening in Downtown Charleston

I was looking to update some of my Charleston images and hoping for an interesting sunset.  As I commiserated with my photographer buddy Raymond, if it was that easy to nail amazing images, it wouldn't be a challenge anymore.  Anyway, here are a couple from this evening.  It took a bit of work to make them look somewhat interesting.
All Images Copyright 2025 Vanessa Kauffmann. All rights reserved.