Sunday, January 30, 2011

Uneventful Sunday

Today was taken up with housekeeping issues, some cooking, some taxes, some laundry - rivetting stuff. Did take a little trip into the marsh to photograph the remains of this dock, and then caught a blue heron fishing in one of our ponds. Best I can do for today.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Christmas Pointsetta

A friend gives me a pointsetta every Christmas - it's become a tradition. Anyway, I'm not very good with plants as a rule. If they survive or (rarely) thrive, it is in spite of me. Anyway, it's almost February and this one is still looking so awesome that I decided to take it to the studio and practice some lighting techniques with it. Now it can die in peace - preserved digitally for posterity. Thanks Lee!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Another full moon sets over the Lowcountry

I have in my mind a vision of an image yet to be captured. It is of marsh and creeks with shrimp boats in the foreground and absolutely still water reflecting a setting full moon. There is already color in the sky, clouds tinged pink from a rising sun.... Well, if you don't show up, you will definitely never get it, so this morning I showed up even though the forecast was not encouraging. That's the fun of it - you just never know. This is not up to my vision, but I enjoyed being there. This photography thing is not an obsession. Is it?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Winter Weekend in North Carolina

I decided on Friday to go chase some snow over the weekend, so I made a reservation for one night at some nondescript (pet-friendly)Comfort Inn in Mars Hill, NC, packed some sandwiches, microwaveable dinner, food for the dog and headed north up the interstate early Saturday morning. The overall experience was mixed. I came away with a couple of images that I really like, but more detailed planning would definitely increase the odds of success (surprise!) Also Logan contracted some kind of bug, the details of which don't need to be shared in this forum, but suffice it to say that I didn't get much sleep last night. It also necessitated several additional inconvenient stops along the way. I did enjoy watching his confusion over the white stuff. He thought he could walk on top of it, and kept falling through - sometimes up to his ears!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Product Shoot for O2SI

Analytical and Environmental Standards company O2SI needed some updated product images for a new tradeshow booth, their website, etc., so this afternoon we photographed all shapes and sizes of bottles, metals, ampules, and other laboratory equipment.You really need to kick your creative juices up a few notches to make some of these widgets look pretty, but we had fun trying

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Cold weather is the ideal time for Studio Portraits

It's been too cold for anyone to smile with any sincerity outside, so I took some portrait shots of Diane in the studio today. Here are a couple that I liked.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Mansfield Plantation,Georgetown, SC

Here are a couple of images from this authentic, uncommercialized plantation. One is of the stables and the other overlooks the rice fields. There are more images posted here on my photo website

New Year in Georgetown, SC

So a friend and I decided to leave the party animals in Charleston to do their thing on New Year's eve, and we took a trip to explore and photograph the Georgetown area, overnighting in the most amazing plantation / guesthouse, Mansfield Plantation. We left early Friday morning to be on the Georgetown waterfront at sunrise, which is when I shot this image with the old steel mill as a backdrop. Will upload a couple from the plantation grounds later. Happy New Year!
All Images Copyright 2025 Vanessa Kauffmann. All rights reserved.