(To the tune of "It's a most Wonderful time of the Year")
It's a most challenging time of the year
All the pipes they are bursting
and drivers all cursing
devoid of good cheer
It's a most challenging time of the year
It's the wack-wackiest season of all
With way too much eating
and diets a-cheating
My jeans are too small.....
It's the wack-wackiest season of all
There'll be houses and backyards
with such little regards
for proper and tasteful decor
With brightly lit planters
and bloated fat Santas
and garish big reindeers and more ...
It's a most penniless time of the year
All the gifts we're a-buying
My checkbook is sighing
But why should we care?
We'll just make a whole bunch more next year.