Thursday, September 30, 2010

Just another day at the office ...

Today was one of those very neat days when I get to wear multiple hats. The morning was fairly normal except that we had a birthday celebration so there was some great Panera fare to munch on as the day progressed, then this afternoon our engineering department needed some images of a job where we are removing lead-based paint from contained areas of one of our large industrial clients. So I changed down for the occasion, found a hard hat and hit the road. On the way back to the office I got a little lost, and stumbled upon the ruins of Biggin Church, burned three times - twice by forest fires and once by the British army in 1781. Couldn' resist taking a few shots.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Enough Shrimp boats already

I think I will start a collection of shrimp boat images for a future coffee table book. In fact, I will start taking advance orders as of now. I don't know what it is about them - a way of life that is in danger of disappearing - a nostalgia for a part of America that instinctively we know we are losing. In a couple of weeks I am going back for yet another stab at capturing the essence of this lifestyle and the people who represent it. These were taken on my last trip to Beaufort.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Wedding on Folly Beach

So Katherine and John are officially married. It was a beautiful evening - perfect for the happy occasion. I was privileged to document the event.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Chasing the shrimp fleet

Went back down to Beaufort this weekend with a friend. The plan was to leave the boat landing on Lady's Island by 6.45 on Sunday morning and photograph the local shrimp fleet as they worked the waterways. Apparently the season has been particularly bountiful this year, so we were looking forward to some action. However the local community failed to inform us that they were sleeping in this Sunday, which necessitated our finding other photographic subject matter. Never a problem in Beaufort, and I will be posting some images later in the week. In the meantime, this was captured on Saturday evening at the 11th Street Dockside in Port Royal.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Katherine & John

Katherine and John are getting married next weekend on Folly Beach and this evening we had a trial run to check on lighting etc. The tide will be about the same next week and there will be a full moon rising. Should be awesome, that is if Igor leaves us some sand. Anyway this is what it looked like tonight.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

More Southern Scenes

This morning, Linda and I left Charleston early and headed south on Highway 17 for a day of exploration and photography. We covered a lot of ground, battled swarms of late summer mosquitos, munched through some junk food and generally had fun. These are a couple of images we took along the way.
All Images Copyright 2025 Vanessa Kauffmann. All rights reserved.