Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Gone fishin'

James Island County Park is many things to many people. For Logan (he thinks he's a people) it means a grand social time with the other dogs, and lots of exciting "sniffing stops". For me it means exercise and unwinding, and for this gentleman it means relaxing with a rod at the end of the day.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday Stono Sunset

Gosh, how is it that weekends just fly by? A rhetorical question I know, but it's the truth. It was a busy one, what with all kinds of wedding planning to attend to, and lots of catching up to do with photos that folks are waiting for and that needed sorting and optimizing. Anyway, this evening was fun winding down with a bunch of family and friends. This was what sunset looked like over the Stono River.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Folly Beach - balm for calm

Folly just seems to be a great place to unwind on a Friday night. This was the view from the outdoor deck of Taco Boy, where I enjoyed one of the best quesadillas I have ever eaten.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Kinda intense week

There's a lot going on right now, and this week has been particularly busy. This was the scene early this morning at the North Charleston Convention Center, where the Charleston Leadership Foundation hosted the annual prayer breakfast. I don't know how many people showed up, but it was a crowd.Coach Joe Gibbs was the keynote speaker and nobody slept through it. Tomorrow is another early start and busy day. We are doing health screenings at GEL as part of our wellness initiative, and the nurses arrive at 6.30am to set up for the first appointments. I am not ready for them, so I guess I'll need to be there awhile before that.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

No title Sunday

Today was a pretty typical Sunday. Church in the morning and kids over for lunch later on. I spent some time sorting through almost 400 images that I took yesterday afternoon, and then drove out to Johns Island to take some maternity pics for Chelsea and Tom. Bubba took the opportunity to have some more pics taken of his dogs. Here is one of each of my assignments!

Hoping for no rain ..

Yesterday morning (Saturday) dawned iffy in terms of weather. This was the view across the marsh as I left early on my way to meet a friend for breakfast. We were scheduled to do Leigh's bridal portraits in the afternoon and all plans were in place for nails, hair, bouquet, etc. There were some usual last minute glitches, like curls disappearing before we even left home, but I think we got some beautiful shots in some different, fun locations. I wish I could post them on my site, but sorry, you guys can't see them until after the wedding. Joanne served as creative director and also made the bouquet, which was gorgeous. Ellie was the make-up artist and general attendant, and I took the photos. Leigh was a trooper and smiled way beyond the point where she felt like it. It was worth it all - they are great!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Dull dreary week, so dream on ...

This week I don't think I've seen the sun at all, and if I have, it was such a brief glimpse that the memory has all but been obliterated. Not that that takes much these days - to obliterate my memory that is. Anyway I digress. Since there was truly nothing worth photographing, my mind wandered (there's that senile stuff again) and transported me back a few weeks, to a more stimulating and adventurous time - a Wyoming ranch. So, this is today's entry and mindset. My body is firmly ensconced in my office chair, but my mind is hundreds of miles west. Gosh I hope the weather brightens a little over the weekend. I have plans!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

Time to blow out the office cobwebs

There's nothing like running on the beach and getting all sandy and salty to blow out a week's worth of office cobwebs. I also didn't quite realize until my recent trip out west, just how many hours I spend every week just sitting at a desk in front of a computer. Gotta figure out a way to change that. The farmers market should be a wonderful place for an early morning cup of java tomorrow, and then I'll probably go hunting for fields of golden rod on John's Island before shooting a beach wedding on Seabrook Island tomorrow evening. I didn't take my camera to the beach this evening, so this image is borrowed from last week's shoot on Hunting Island, Beaufort.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Back in the Lowcountry

This was what it looked like at Hunting Beach State Park near Beaufort, SC this morning.Twelve hours later ...
All Images Copyright 2025 Vanessa Kauffmann. All rights reserved.