Saturday, January 31, 2009

Does every blog post have to have a heading?

Busy day. Spent some more time trying to get better at this aerial photography thing. It's not as easy as you think it should be. This is one of my favorites - looking across and up the Ashley River with the bridges and marinas in the foreground.

Friday, January 30, 2009

OK - this is not art

I said I would take a photo a day, not produce works of art. So here are today's photos, taken during a very bad game between the SC Stingrays and the Florida Everblades where the Rays lost by a lot - I lost count.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Here comes the sun ....

Funny this blog thing. You type, you click a button, and whoosh off it goes into cyberspace and sits out there somewhere - available for viewing by anyone. Thank goodness I don't have to understand how these things work in order to appreciate them. Here's an illustrative story for you. Einstein, it is said, was once asked by a layperson to explain how radio works.
"Well," he said, "first I need to explain the telegraph. The telegraph is like a giant cat. The cat's head might be in New York, and the cat's tail in London. You pull on the tail in London, and the cat meows in New York. That's the telegraph. "The radio is just like that. Only there's no cat."
Anyway Mum, thanks for keeping me accountable and for checking this. It's just been so dreary that there was honestly nothing to photograph for the past couple of days, and I was too busy to create something. Here, though is what the sky looked like when I got home from work today.

Monday, January 26, 2009

All For Liberty

Clarence Felder and Chris Weatherhead (Actors Theater of SC) have spent years working on a film about the Felder clan's involvement in the fight for liberty during the early stages of the Revolutionary War. The first two public showings of the film took place at the Terrace Theater this evening. It has already won several national and international awards. Here is a gathering of some of the Felder clan who attended this evening's event, with Clarence and Chris in the center. For more info on the film, see

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Busy Sunday

Since the band is on sabbatical, I only needed to be at church when the service started at 10.30 instead of the usual 8.15am, so I had the luxury of sleeping in and Logan got a walk in the park. The afternoon was spent with the Bennett family, photographing Tim for his new CD release. His current "Maybe next Sunday" is really great, so check it out. Here is one of the images.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Still Life Oxymoron

Some plans had to be rearranged today (and tomorrow for that matter) due to inclement weather conditions. Helped Linda out with the music this morning at Tina's Bible Study, managed to take Logan to the park before the rain started, and then cooked up a storm in the kitchen for tomorrow night's family dinner. Inspiration provided by Van Morrison's "Magic Time" cd. I'd forgotten how great that is. Still need to go and exercise at the wellness center, then out for dinner tonight. Had to get creative with today's photo. Something different!

Friday, January 23, 2009

End of the work week - Chill time

Today was similar to many Fridays. I took this shot on the way to work this morning. It was kinda dull, but it had potential. I played in Photoshop with a couple of filters and this is probably about as good as it will get - at least with my level of Photoshop skills. Linda is coming over this evening and bringing dinner - what a treat. I'm going to help her with some guitar stuff. Jay is talking about a gig for some aerial shots of the Boone Hall Oyster Roast this Sunday, but I think it's supposed to rain. Shoot ... Still no sign of Kitty Cat.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Today was good, and tomorrow will be even better ..

Thursday, and we're looking towards wrapping up the week, and for me that means safety reports, organizing the Friday leadership team lunch, seeing to a couple more routine chores and thinking about my weekend. Knowing that our web pages need updating (and bearing in mind that I needed a photo for my blog) I wandered down into the labs, RAD, Gchem and VOA, and took some random shots. This is one from the VOA lab. I don't know what it is, but those gauges look pretty cool to me. I had every intention of hitting the pool later, but Cos called and diverted me with dinner at Athens and a good Cabernet, so I guess I'll swim tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Another day at the office

OK, you all have made me feel obligated to keep this project going, which was the point of doing the photo-a-day in blog format. Well today was just too cold to go anywhere much, and besides I haven't come up with any really interesting photo opps worth visiting before 7.30am, during lunchtime, and after work when it's still almost dark. Now summertime will be a different scenario. Anyway, I do have some flowers on my desk and they looked nice in the sunlight this afternoon, so that's what we're going with for today.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Come back Kitty Cat - all is forgiven

A couple of years ago a stray cat attached itself to my household. We were less than thrilled with the cat fur deposits, the additional vet bills, etc., but gradually Kitty Cat (aka that damn cat) wormed his way into our hearts and lives, becoming especially attached to Logan, the dog. On Thursday last week he didn't come for breakfast, and now 5 days later he's still MIA. He's been known to pursue extended adventures in the marsh, but he usually tires of it after a couple of days, preferring the comfort of the couch and meals that he doesn't have to work for. Anyway, I hope you're ok, wherever you are. You really were a pretty cool cat.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Back to reality ...

Since I was home a day early, and since no one at work was expecting me to show up, and since I broke a tooth over the weekend and needed to get it fixed, I decided to use Monday to catch up, pay bills, file bills and get my tooth fixed. It was a good day, since I got everything accomplished. This was my view for some of this afternoon. Back to work tomorrow.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Cape Hatteras pre-dawn at a balmy 23 deg.F

This morning was positively balmy as we set out in 23 deg. weather for Cape Hatteras on the Outer Banks. The reason for the warmer temperatures was of course that there was cloud cover, which meant of course that there would be no spectacular sunrise to capture, and furthermore that in all probability it was going to rain. Correct on both counts, and soon after this image was taken of Cape Hatteras Lighthouse at about 6.45am, we made a decision to cut our losses at the OBX for this time and head back to Charleston. The miserable drive home through steady rain confirmed that this was a good move. The OBX are quite unique, and so vulnerable to the onslaught of irresponsible encroaching development and the threat of erosion from the elements. I will go back - but not in winter.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

It's freezing here - oh my gosh!!

Great day - woke up at 4.30am to meet up with group leaving for Pocosin Lake at 5.30am. It was 11 degrees outside. Long day - we finally got back to the hotel after sunset, got something to eat and thawed out. Can't write anymore - gotta be up again at 4.30 for Cape Hatteras Lighthouse trip ....

The images are of Bodie Island Lighthouse at dusk and frozen Lake Mattamuskeet.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Oh no - I'm way behind

With the best of intentions and a willing spirit I still find myself days behind. To the one or two family members who check this blog, and for maybe Laura and Jill, I offer my apologies. I will try and do better in future. Today I spent 8 hours in the car with a photographer friend, Neshe, traveling up to Nags Head, NC where we will be photographing for 3 days with about 100 other photographers from the Carolinas. I think the temperature will be about 23 degrees for our sunrise shoot tomorrow morning, warming up to a toasty 28 degrees maximum later.

So, there will be no shortage of images for the next couple of days postings. For today I have cheated and uploaded one I took yesterday. It is of the inside of Sesame Burger & Beer, a trendy little restaurant in North Charleston where I had lunch with my friend Cathy K.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday - back to work

OK - just a regular Monday. No opportunities or inspiration for a photo today, so we'll go with this one taken over the weekend down near the City Marina under the James Island Connector.
Gotta go swim. MUSC replaced the pool heater so I have no excuse.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday was good too

It was a good day. Church in the morning, catch up on household stuff, organize images, run Logan in the park in the afternoon, and Leigh, Josh, Matt & Chambers over for supper in the evening. God is good.

An unexpectedly awesome day

Some days are just gifts and today was just such a day. When I got home from running Logan in the park there was a message from Jay asking if I wanted to go up in the chopper and take some photos. Well yes - duh! OMG I think I could become addicted very quickly. It is the coolest sensation, even from the start when the rotors start to turn really fast and the machine kinda bounces and gathers lift. It's almost like it's saying "let me up, now, now." I'm always a little anxious when I fly in planes, but this was so different, and even flying without a door, nothing between me and the ground, I felt safe - almost as though dancing through the sky with gusts of wind buffeting us this way and that, and Jay continuously adjusting the controls. Very, very nice. Here's a bird's eye view of Morris Island and the northern tip of Folly Beach. You can see more aerials at
After that, Raymond and I hooked up to catch the moonrise and the shot of this container ship leaving the Charleston port under a full moon was taken from Waterfront Park.
The day ended with a great Mexican dinner and margaritas at Zia on Maybank with friends Marty, Donna & Chris. Can't get much better than that.

Friday, January 9, 2009

OK - so I skipped a day ...

Yesterday I had no opportunity for my "photo-a-day" except for another version of sitting in drive-home traffic, so I figured I'd spare myself that. Actually I could have taken one in the grocery store. That's an idea for next time I'm fresh out of inspiration. You could probably do a lot with different angles of fresh produce - note to self. Anyway, today I worked through lunch and skipped out at 4pm, being Friday and all that. There was enough daylight time left to get home, throw on some sweats, scoop up the dog and head to the park for a run. The first photo was taken at the fishing dock at James Island County Park, and the second was taken at home. The moon is almost full. Expect another moon shot tomorrow when it will be full. Just cannot resist a full moon.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

View of the Wappoo Cut from the James Island Connector on the drive home.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Cannot write every day

OK - it's not reasonable to expect creative juices to flow on a daily basis - at least not my creative juices. That goal was a little ambitious perhaps so I think I will hold myself to the one-a-day photo and write something if I feel so inclined. Here's a pic that I took through the car windshield as I was headed down Broad Street on my way to meet Nese for a drink after work this evening.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Work again tomorrow - holidays are over

Sunday, and the end of another week, the end of the whole Thanksgiving / Christmas / New Year shebang and hopefully the resumption of sanity. Church this morning and Russ talked about hospitality, so I took it to heart and had neighbors Tom, Nancy, Mitzi, Trina and Marcia over for a curry dinner. Also took some to Vaughn down at the Sumter House. It had been mostly cloudy all day, but in the late afternoon the sun found a gap between the clouds and the horizon, which is when I shot this pic.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

No - Please don't jump!

For some reason this morning I was wide awake at 5.30am. The kind of wide awake when you absolutely know there's no going back to sleep. I figured I may as well spend my time productively so I headed across the connector into the pre-dawn fog with my camera thinking that the marina may look pretty cool as it got a little lighter. I parked my car at the City Marina and trudged warily up the connector with all my gear, wincing as cars and heavy trucks whizzed past, causing the concrete structure to bounce. While I was waiting for more light and thinking I was crazy to be there anyway, a patrol car pulled up to me, blue lights flashing, and the officer got out and approached me with some trepidation. We exchanged pleasantries as though it was the most normal thing in the world; he was solicitous and eager for my assurance that all was well. Turned out that a well-meaning motorist had dialled 911 and reported a possible jumper, I guess not having noticed my camera and tripod in the dark. Anyway we laughed and I could tell he was relieved not to have to deal with a crazy person so early in his day.

Friday, January 2, 2009

More Musings

So where did 2008 go anyway? Poof - just vaporized, and what did I do or contribute that was significant? I surely can't remember, although hopefully there were a few things that friends and family might come up with. In any event, the point is not to delve too deeply into things profound and too philisophical, but to do something different with 2009. The blog is a start, and how about a photo-a-day too, not with the purpose of producing art, but just to document the passing of time, so that when I look back on 2009 there will be a record of the days. Here's the image de jour, taken at the James Island County Park dog park, Logan's favorite spot in the world.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years Day Musings

Well January 1st seems as good a day as any to begin a blog. All the usual resolutions are running through my head and will be put into practice from tomorrow. That is because there is one last excessive event to enjoy before I get back into some semblance of a diet and exercise regime.
Can't say I'm too sorry to see the back of 2008. As years go, it was average. I'm grateful that my health is good and that I still have a great job - sadly many don't. I also got to spend some time with family in South Africa which was great. There were all kinds of photo opportuntities too - paid gigs and just for fun stuff, some of which you can see here
If I was really to find anything to whine about, I would have to say overall it was kinda blah - even boring. I feel like I need a major change, like maybe pick up and move somewhere completely different. Who says you have to live all your life in one place? Who says you need to have a formal reason to move, such as a career change or family issue. Hmmmmm. On the other hand, these are difficult times, and one should probably exercise prudence when tempted to toss all familiarity and security out of the window in exchange for unknown horizons?
Well, so much for these opening, somewhat hungover ponderings at 8.30am on New Years Day.

Retrospectively inserting my image for today (see January 2nd's idea) taken at Sunrise Park, James Island late afternoon.
All Images Copyright 2025 Vanessa Kauffmann. All rights reserved.